Mark your calendar with the best months to reap the most memorable experiences at the Rann of Kutch.

March to August

Kutch retires itself to the scorching heat where the soil is cooked by the heat of nature. It is one of the least favourable months to visit the Rann of Kutch. The heat is far beyond 47 degrees celsius and you really would want to dehydrate every ounce of water in you by visiting this desert during these months. Kutch enjoys being a typical desert during these months.

September to October

The history of the name is best proved during these two month. The meaning of Kutch is being wet and dry at intervals. Kutch lives upto its names for these two months. The land gets submerged in water and turns to be the marshy terrain its name depicts. It enjoys nature’s bath after the long thirst for water. The skies are taken over by migratory birds that come to quench their thirst and it is a paradise for bird lovers. So if you are a bird lover and want to live your passion in a desert, this is the best time for you.

November to February

rann utsav
The true essence of Kutch can be rejoiced during these months. Its a magical month of art, culture, happiness and heritage. This time of the year, not just the people but even the moonlight bestows its charms on the white sands. With the climate just perfect, people celebrate the beauty of this place through the Rann Utsav where folk music reins the evenings and the beautiful rugged dunes rule the desert days. Tradition and art make its mark on every individual celebrating this festival. You can also enjoy a camel ride or nice plate of Gujarati Thali concluding the day watching the stars on a clear sky night.

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